money coaching

create an enlightened level of financial confidence through education, awareness and empowerment.

What is Money Coaching?

Money Coaching is a new concept developed by Deborah Price, author and founder of The Money Coaching Institute.  It is the combination of Money Therapy where you look at the origin of your money beliefs and Money Coaching, where you learn a new point of view so you can create a better future.

Your Money Story

The Money Coaching process helps you understand how the things you learned about money throughout your lifetime show up today in your results.  Often the thoughts and feelings you have are in your sub-conscious.  The unconscious patterns, beliefs and behaviors around money can prevent you from enjoying a big, bold life. The Money Coaching process directs you toward identifying and moving beyond your limiting beliefs. This can result in much greater personal satisfaction, increased abundance, and enhanced success.

Your Past Is Not Your Future

By developing a clear understanding and awareness of your current money habits, you will learn what you need to change to get the results you want.  When you have your first "Ah ha" moment - that point where you say "Oh, so that's why I..." you will begin to experience the powerful Money Coaching transformation!

the money coaching process

The way you do anything is the way you do everything

What's the definition of insanity?  Doing things the same way and expecting a different result.

Money Coaching, or any type of coaching only works when you do the work necessary to get your desired result.  It's as easy as 1, 2, 3.

  • First you need to develop an understanding and new level of awareness of the problem.
  • Next you need to develop a burning desire for a different outcome and commit to doing the work.
  • Finally, you need to actually show up, listen to your coach and take action.  When you do, the transformation is amazing!

your money archetypes

Do you struggle with money?  Do you feel it's because you're just not good with money?  Chances are one of your Money Archetypes is influencing you.

what is an archetype?

An archetype is a behavior trait.  It isn't your personality.  There are 8 Money Archetypes.  We all have some traits from most of them.  Usually there are 3 archetypes that dominate our money thoughts, beliefs and behavior.  To learn more, take the Money Archetype Quiz.  Understanding your Archetype Profile will help you discover your unique path toward building wealth.  Click the button below to take the quiz.

The Initial Four-Step Core Process

The initial process consists of four one-hour sessions where we explore your relationship with money. This process will help you to understand your underlying patterns and behaviors around money and where they came from.  Next we take a deeper dive to see how those patterns are showing up in your life today and how they are impacting you personally and financially.  Finally, you receive tools and exercises to help you build new habits that align with your desired outcome.

The Money Coaching Process is highly interactive.  During these sessions you will learn how you are “hardwired” around money in ways that are generally not fully conscious. By the end of the fourth session, you will have a clear understanding of your core money patterns and their origin and can begin to work on your “Money Coaching Action Plan.” Money Coaching sessions can be conducted effectively in person, by video call or by phone.


Support and Accountability

One of the core beliefs in Money Coaching is that awareness needs to be followed through with action in order for meaningful change to occur. We are committed to working with you on an on-going basis and consider ourselves partners in your success. On-going support and coaching programs are designed to your particular need. This can be accomplished in a series of weekly or bi-weekly sessions to help you implement the behavior so you get the results you desire.

Click the button below to schedule your 30 minute  Money Makeover session.

not ready for private coaching?  consider joining a money coaching circle!

Click below to learn more about money coaching circles.
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What They Say...

christie r.


Working with Therese was a joy! I met her through a mutual friend who worked directly with her and I quickly learned what a blessing that referral was. She is skilled at what she does, however her story is her underlying "why" that provides the passion to be such a huge advocate for her clients.

shannon o.

H.R. Consultant

Working with Terri Nicklas as my Financial Coach is one of the BEST decisions I have made for myself this past year. I needed someone to coach me through decisions I was making that will affect my financial health long term. 

Terri coached me through a year of change and helped me feel confident about my money decisions. I hired her initial as a "sounding board" - but she has turned out to be SO much more.  I recommend Terri with 5 Stars!

cloris k.

Marketing Consultant

Terri Nicklas is a pleasure to work with. Her commitment to excellence, creativity, and open-mindedness are some of the keys to her success. Terri is passionate about leveraging her expertise to help women achieve financial independence, and it shows. She is committed to delivering as much value as she can and inspiring those around her to discover their passion. It's a pleasure to recommend Terri and her services.

jennifer r.


Not only is Therese an excellent financial planner but she honestly cares about her clients. She takes the time to listen to your concerns and goals, she gives above and beyond what is expected. I would describe her as a life coach as well as a financial planner. She has excellent ideas and a very positive outlook which is contagious. I can't say enough good things about her and highly recommend her.

online course


Learn to build wealth and manage money in 6 weeks!