Want to end burnout and overwhelm?

Ready to regain control of your day and life? 

Finally - An Easy, Efficient Solution For Planning Your Day So You ...

  • Work less, play more
  • Feel Inspired, not tired
  • make joy, purpose, and balance your new normal

Fill out the form below to get the FREE tool

the 1-minute one-page planner

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Attention High-Achieving Women

Get The Free 1-Minute One Page Planner 

So you can...

  • Organize your days in one minute
  • End burnout by putting guardrails around your workday
  • Take time off without guilt so you can relax, recharge, and reset 
  • Hit the work message pause button so you fully experience your vacation
  • Have more time doing what you love with the people you love

Finally, A Planning Tool So Simple You'll Actually Use It!

I tried every 'Time Management' system on the market, seeking the perfect fit. None checked the efficient, effective, and easy boxes. Can you relate? What a waste of time and money. So, I decided to create my own day-planning system by keeping the segments I used and adding what was missing. I was shocked that everything I needed to stay focused and organized fit on ONE PAGE! Easy peasy, right? And that, my friends, is how the 1-Minute One-Page Planner was born.  I created it out of my own necessity to end burnout, overwhelm, and get my life back.

By using the 1-Minute One-Page Planner, I formed the habit of ending my workday earlier, giving me time to walk the dog. Now, I get my second wind when my workday ends instead of feeling burnt-out and depleted. Consistently using this tool helped me get my life back! I took a 10-day vacation and left work behind. For the first time in over 20 years, I didn't waste precious vacation moments frantically searching for a Wi-Fi hotspot to check messages. And guess what? The world didn't implode! I returned to work refreshed and ready to conquer the world. I'm happier, my family's delighted, and so is the dog!

Created For You.

Are you tired of day planners that are too much work? You'll love the 1-Minute One Page Planner. Designed for high-achieving women like you. Stay focused, shorten your workday, and create a real work-free zone. End burnout for good. Simplify your life, be fully present on vacation, and create a life you love.

P.S.  You're Welcome!

enjoying time off

Ready to get your life back and spend more time at the beach?

Download the FREE 1-Minute One Page Planner Today

We will not share or sell your information, ever!