January 1




As we close out 2018, I’d like to ask you a question:  What does the New Year mean to you?  For many, the New Year represents a fresh start – a chance to hit the reset button, start something new, or maybe do something better.  Some folks call this making New Year’s Resolutions.  Others call it setting goals.  Unfortunately, whether it is a goal or resolution, most are forgotten before February 1.

How To Succeed And Stick To Your New Year's Resolutions

Do you really want a different outcome in 2019?  Then, guess what – you have to do things differently!  Here are 5 simple steps you can take today to keep your New Year’s Resolutions and achieve your goals.  Popular categories for New Year’s Resolutions are to improve health, finances and relationships.  That is why gym memberships, and subscriptions to finance and relationship sites soar in January!

Get Started Today

If you made New Year’s Resolutions to improve your finances, here are 5 steps you can take today to make your resolutions stick and achieve your goal.

Be SMART About New Year’s Resolutions

The word SMART is an acronym to remember if you want to create powerful goals.  For goals or New Year's Resolutions to inspire and keep you focused and motivated, they need to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely.

  1. Make your resolution SPECIFIC

For example, if you have a goal to pay off debt, state how much debt you want to satisfy.

  1. Make your goal MEASURABLE

Using the debt example, state the dollar amount and type of debt you want to eliminate instead of a general goal of debt reduction.

  1. Make your goal ATTAINABLE

Set a realistic but still challenging target.  Reducing debt by $1,000 isn’t much of a goal.  If you need to pay off $100,000, it wouldn’t be realistic to try to eliminate it over 3 months.  See the difference?

  1. Make your goal RELEVANT

Does your debt payment goal make sense for you, or are you trying to mimic a social trend?  Think of the reasons why you want to reduce your debt burden.  Do you want to feel less stress?  Do you want more money in the bank?  Do you want to improve your lifestyle?  When you focus on the reasons why this is important, instead of the goal itself, you make it relate to your desired lifestyle.

  1. Make your goal TIMELY

Set a specific time line for achieving your goal.  Instead of stating your goal as “I want to pay off credit cards”, give the goal a deadline, like  “in 6 months or less”.

Putting It All Together

Are you ready to create powerful, inspiring goals?  Replace the details here with your New Year’s Resolutions and goals:

In 2019, I resolve to stop buying things with credit cards immediately and eliminate $10,000 of credit card debt by August 31, 2019.  By achieving this goal, I will have more money in the bank, improve sleep, feel better about myself and have less stress.”

This goal is SPECIFIC AND MEASURABLE –pay off $10,000 of credit card debt.

It is ATTAINABLE – 8 months is a reasonable amount of time to pay off $10,000.

It is RELEVANT – the reasons the goal is important are clearly stated.

It is TIMELY – the goal has a deadline of August 31, 2019.

Give It Some Serious Thought

Spend some time in quiet reflection thinking about your goal and why it is important to you.  How will your life change once you reach this milestone?  What has stopped you from doing this sooner?  Your goal should challenge and even scare you!  If you feel overwhelmed, even though the reasons why are powerful, make an investment in your future and get the help you need!  Hire a professional that will guide you while holding you accountable.  Learning the formula for setting and achieving goals is empowering!  It works in all aspects of life, inspiring you to reach heights that were out of reach.   Finding the right professional to coach you is a small investment in the present for a future of success!

Where To Turn For Support

Interested in learning how a Certified Money Coach (CMC)® can help you?  Book a free 30 minute money makeover session.  During this phone call, you will learn about how we help others like you live their dream lifestyle, free from worrying about money.  No sales pressure or judgement, promise!  Click here to book your money makeover session today!.  Invest 30 minutes in yourself – achieve the goal that will change your life and make 2019 your best year ever!

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